Sharing the UK Experience: Transit Oriented Development (TOD) and Community Revitalisation Forum
Access Planning was pleased to support the UK Department of International Trade by facilitating and moderating events for its 2018 Canada Infrastructure Forum in Toronto on November 7-8.
Tamim Raad was invited by UK DIT to bring Access Planning’s market experience and knowledge of rail and transit oriented development in regions across Canada to this forum intended to provide information to UK firms seeking to work in Canada, and to showcase UK thought leadership in these areas to Canadian agencies.
Tamim presented on a panel to an audience of UK firms considering work in Canada, providing an advance look at key anticipated transit projects across Canada with an eye to identifying region specific planning and project delivery agendas and priorities.
Tamim also moderated a session (for Canadian public sector audience) to showcase UK thought leadership and expertise in the transit oriented development planning space. The panels discussed the experience of UK organizations and how their experience can be adapted to challenges in the Canadian market, bringing new and creative approaches. Tamim moderated two panels comprised of UK public and private sector organisations that offered insight, case studies and best practise in those work transforming communities anchored by public transit.