Access expresses our solidarity with the anti-racist and Black Lives Matter movement sweeping across the US and in Canada this past week.
Access is a planning firm committed to the principles and practice of inclusion - it shapes and motivates us everyday in all the work we do. The idea of fair access is the foundation of our name. We work in the public realm, in cities and in communities, to support the aspirations and needs of the diversity of people to whom public institutions, spaces, infrastructure, and services rightly and equitably belong.
We stand together against all forms of racism, exclusion, discrimination and bias. We doubly recommit to listening harder, learning, seeing, asking tough questions of ourselves and others, and integrating justice and inclusion principles and tangible action into how we work, the processes we design and participate in, and the outcomes we seek.
We invite our staff, partners, clients, and colleagues to challenge us to do this work with greater awareness, humility, care and unwavering commitment.