Assessing UK policy and export market opportunities

Cities are facing an influx of new technologies, business models, and trends that claim to be truly transformational, but it can be difficult to engage meaningfully outside of the traditional procurement process. Often, asymmetrical information means that the public sector and market suppliers have difficulty engaging in these topics.

To help tackle this challenge, the UK Department of International Trade (UK DIT) retained Access with the mandate to outline policy opportunities for cities to collectively learn, share, and collaborate across markets to overcome common obstacles and improve quality of life in urban centres. Access produced the Future Cities Report aimed to address this information opacity by independently assessing areas of genuine need that can be matched with a distinct advantage and compelling offering that aligns with aims of green recovery, reduced emissions, and clean urban growth.  The report was used as a point of entry for the Department of International Trade to engage suppliers and prospective markets in Canada.

After the delivery of the report, Access has continued to support UK DIT through the facilitation of workshops with members of the Canadian transit community and a visit to London in early 2023.

  • Toronto, ON & London, UK

  • UK Department of Trade

  • 2020-present